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Lilian Eden In The Bible Code

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by specsisdemo1983 2020. 1. 24. 11:40


Lilian Eden In The Bible Code
  1. Lilian Eden In The Bible Code 2017

Please read these.No spam. If you would like to regularly submit links to your own blog, please also contribute in other ways. A guideline to follow is for every 10 posts, you may have one post linking to your blog.Bible-related posts only. If you have a question about what the Bible says, a Bible verse, Bible study, etc. You are free to post it here. 'Bible' is defined for this subreddit as books & passages found in the 1611 KJV, including its Apocrypha, although any translation is acceptable. If your question is about a specific passage, include the Book, Chapter, Verse and Translation (e.g., Romans 12:1-2 ESV) to help guide answers to the exact text you're questioning.

However, asking about denominations or just general advice and the such is for.No posting links to our content in other subs in order to recruit hostile traffic.This is a Christian subreddit. Nonbelievers may ask questions and post, but do not mock anyone for their faith. That goes for Christians and Non-Christians alike.Treat everyone with respect. You may debate key things, but do so in a civil and polite manner.

No harassment. Just be decent.All submissions are to be text only. You can reference articles, videos, and blogs in the comments.

ANCIENT BIBLE CODES: DNA and Bio Spiritual Warfare - 4-HOUR MOVIE. Did the Serpent have sex with Eve in the garden of Eden by exilewith444. BIBLE TRUTH FOR YOUNG CHILDREN.

Lilian eden in the bible code book

( temp for now).All posts must foster discussion. This is best facilitated by asking a question. Straight dumps of text with no 'ask' will likely be removed. ( temp for now)Do you have ideas or feedback for? Send us a modmail!

Other reddits you might like: someheader. Do you know about the Equidistant Letter Sequences Bible Codes? Several years ago, researchers in Israel discovered a staggering phenomenon of hidden codes within the Hebrew text of the Old Testament that reveal a remarkable knowledge about future events and personalities that cannot be explained unless God supernaturally inspired the writers to record His precise words. The Bible Codes provide a new type of evidence that supplements the many other types of evidence that prove the Scriptures are supernatural. Mathematicians and statisticians, after exhaustive statistical analysis, concluded that this pattern of coded words could not have occurred by chance, nor could a human writer have purposely produced this complex phenomenon.

Their conclusion was that only a divine intelligence could have directed Moses to record this precise Hebrew biblical text containing such complex codes thousands of years ago. If only one letter was missing all these codes would not work: 'For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled' (Matthew 5:18).

I understand the natural reluctance of those who have not spent time exploring this phenomenon to accept reality of the codes without a detailed examination. How many of you know about the Bible Codes? Did you research the subject?Here are some examples:. The Hebrew name of Jesus, Yeshua, is placed in numerous significant prophetic passages from Genesis to Malachi.

Details in Yacov Rambsel’s book, Yeshua-The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament and his sequel His Name is Jesus. The discovery of forty-one encoded words naming Jesus and His disciples, Mary, Joseph, Pilate, and many other people in the life of Christ including King Herod and the High Priest Caiaphas. Lets not endure this here. The secrets of God are open for everyone to know, Jesus came and died so that you might have life.Stuff like this verges on obsessiveness and Gnosticism, you can find anything like this in other books if you look deep enough.Its easy to take an historical event and try to tie it to some invented symbolism. Especially in such a flexable langauge with roots just joined to prefexies and suffixes to create new words. A real test would be to predict the future from it that you don't know.If you want to know what the future holds then read Revelation and John where the real truth is plainly laid out. I guess you did not look it up.

The Bibles Codes can only reveal key words, such as people's names, places, and occasionally dates (using the Hebrew calendar) that provide confirmation of the supernatural inspiration and origin of the Scriptures. The fact that the ELS pattern reveal words, not complex sentences, prevent anyone from claiming they have found a hidden theological message or making a definite prediction about a future event. Most people in our culture have been exposed to countless attacks on the authority and accuracy of the Scriptures throughout high school, college, and from the mass media. The complexity of the Bible Codes are very different from any ELS Codes found in any other books. The fact that the ELS pattern reveal words, not complex sentences, prevent anyone from claiming they have found a hidden theological message or making a definite prediction about a future event.Ahh, no.

Thats because they are random occurances which don't lend themselves to 'complete sentences'. Its a sign that they are not created by God at all.There are no future events because you have to know the event before you can search for it, which meansyou are just looking for words that are randomly joined thatmatch your words.It also shows again that its not God at work BECAUSE you can't find future events.This is 'magical' thinking. Taking random events and assigning them to God. Really its like saying 'The leaves are moving on the tree becuase God is trying to communicate to me' when its just the wind at work.Its verging on a psychological condition. What you have is Confirmation Bias, or Apopheniawhich is a human tendency to seek patterns in random information, such as gambling. There is no magic here, only mathematics and statistics. A paper called ‘’Equidistant Letter Sequences in the book of Genesis’’ was published in August 1994 in the scholarly journal Statistical Science.

This academic publication is one of the most prominent mathematical and scientific journals in the world. The study was completed by three eminent Israeli mathematicians Doron Witztum, Yoav Rosenberg, and Eliyahu Rips at the world-renowned Hebrew University and the Jerusalem College of Technology. This study has been republished in several other respected scholarly journals. Their discoveries of complex Hebrew codes that reveal supernatural and prophetic knowledge about the future is causing tremendous consternation in the academic community because it challenges the long-held beliefs of liberal scholars who generally reject verbal inspiration of the Bible.

This scientific discovery of the ELS code phenomenon is earthshaking in its potential consequences because it reveals a staggering level of mathematical design and intelligence that could only have been produced by a supernatural mind. This discovery provides compelling mathematical proof that the Bible was inspired by God. The data demolishes the false claim by liberal scholars and skeptics that the Bible was written and edited by uninspired men and that it is full of errors and contradictions. Despite the fact that numerous scholars and scientists have attempted to challenge the validity of this Bible Code research, the evidence for the existence of this phenomenon has not been successfully refuted. Jesus Christ himself affirmed that the actual letters composing the Scriptures were directly inspired by God and were preserved in their precise order throughout eternity (Matthew 5:18). This intriguing statement by Jesus about Scriptures has been confirmed two thousand years later by means of an intricate analysis of the Hebrew text of the Bible by mathematicians and computer scientists in Israel.


To their total surprise, these researchers discovered that every single letter of the Torah fits into a complicated tapestry of staggering mathematical precision. In this regard, we should remember the provocative words found in Proverbs 25:2, ‘’It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.’’. As I suspected, the journal rebutted the articleStatistical Science publishes Bible Codes RefutationThe only paper published in a refereed scientific journal that claims to find evidence for the reality of the Bible Codes is the paper Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis, by Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips, and Yoav Rosenberg (WRR), Statistical Science, Vol. 9 (1994) 429-438.We are now happy to announce that, after review by four senior statisticians chosen by the journal, Statistical Science has published a thorough rebuttal: Vol. 14 (1999) 150-173.The new paper is Solving the Bible Code Puzzle, by Brendan McKay, Dror Bar-Natan, Maya Bar-Hillel, and Gil Kalai.

Here is the abstract: A paper of Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg in this journal in 1994 made the extraordinary claim that the Hebrew text of the Book of Genesis encodes events which did not occur until millennia after the text was written. In reply, we argue that Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg's case is fatally defective, indeed that their result merely reflects on the choices made in designing their experiment and collecting the data for it. We present extensive evidence in support of that conclusion. We also report on many new experiments of our own, all of which failed to detect the alleged phenomenon. The fact that the ELS pattern reveal words, not complex sentences. The complexity of the Bible Codes are very different from any ELS Codes found in any other books.My aim in writingan ELS example for TCODE is simple.

You say it is very hard, but I know that it isn't. To encode arbitrary phrases in text, put all those phrases in first then write the rest of the text around them. Language is loose in structure, allowing plenty of alternative forms to make a suitable passage from.wait, hold on lemme try that again.MYAIMINWRITINGANELSEXAMPLEFORTCODEISSIMPLEYOUSAYITISVERYHARDBUTIKNOWTHATITISNTTOENCODEARBITRARYPHRASESINTEXTPUTALLTHOSEPHRASESINFIRSTTHENWRITETHERESTOFTHETEXTAROUNDTHEMLANGUAGEISLOOSEINSTRUCTUREALLOWINGPLENTYOFALTERNATIVEFORMSTOMAKEASUITABLEPASSAGEFROM.

Please read these.No spam. If you would like to regularly submit links to your own blog, please also contribute in other ways. A guideline to follow is for every 10 posts, you may have one post linking to your blog.Bible-related posts only.

If you have a question about what the Bible says, a Bible verse, Bible study, etc. You are free to post it here. 'Bible' is defined for this subreddit as books & passages found in the 1611 KJV, including its Apocrypha, although any translation is acceptable.

If your question is about a specific passage, include the Book, Chapter, Verse and Translation (e.g., Romans 12:1-2 ESV) to help guide answers to the exact text you're questioning. However, asking about denominations or just general advice and the such is for.No posting links to our content in other subs in order to recruit hostile traffic.This is a Christian subreddit. Nonbelievers may ask questions and post, but do not mock anyone for their faith.

Lilian eden in the bible codes

That goes for Christians and Non-Christians alike.Treat everyone with respect. You may debate key things, but do so in a civil and polite manner. No harassment. Just be decent.All submissions are to be text only. You can reference articles, videos, and blogs in the comments. ( temp for now).All posts must foster discussion. This is best facilitated by asking a question.

Straight dumps of text with no 'ask' will likely be removed. ( temp for now)Do you have ideas or feedback for? Send us a modmail! Other reddits you might like: someheader. Do you know about the Equidistant Letter Sequences Bible Codes?

Several years ago, researchers in Israel discovered a staggering phenomenon of hidden codes within the Hebrew text of the Old Testament that reveal a remarkable knowledge about future events and personalities that cannot be explained unless God supernaturally inspired the writers to record His precise words. The Bible Codes provide a new type of evidence that supplements the many other types of evidence that prove the Scriptures are supernatural. Mathematicians and statisticians, after exhaustive statistical analysis, concluded that this pattern of coded words could not have occurred by chance, nor could a human writer have purposely produced this complex phenomenon.

Their conclusion was that only a divine intelligence could have directed Moses to record this precise Hebrew biblical text containing such complex codes thousands of years ago. If only one letter was missing all these codes would not work: 'For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled' (Matthew 5:18). I understand the natural reluctance of those who have not spent time exploring this phenomenon to accept reality of the codes without a detailed examination.

How many of you know about the Bible Codes? Did you research the subject?Here are some examples:. The Hebrew name of Jesus, Yeshua, is placed in numerous significant prophetic passages from Genesis to Malachi. Details in Yacov Rambsel’s book, Yeshua-The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament and his sequel His Name is Jesus. The discovery of forty-one encoded words naming Jesus and His disciples, Mary, Joseph, Pilate, and many other people in the life of Christ including King Herod and the High Priest Caiaphas.

Lets not endure this here. The secrets of God are open for everyone to know, Jesus came and died so that you might have life.Stuff like this verges on obsessiveness and Gnosticism, you can find anything like this in other books if you look deep enough.Its easy to take an historical event and try to tie it to some invented symbolism. Especially in such a flexable langauge with roots just joined to prefexies and suffixes to create new words. A real test would be to predict the future from it that you don't know.If you want to know what the future holds then read Revelation and John where the real truth is plainly laid out.

I guess you did not look it up. The Bibles Codes can only reveal key words, such as people's names, places, and occasionally dates (using the Hebrew calendar) that provide confirmation of the supernatural inspiration and origin of the Scriptures. The fact that the ELS pattern reveal words, not complex sentences, prevent anyone from claiming they have found a hidden theological message or making a definite prediction about a future event. Most people in our culture have been exposed to countless attacks on the authority and accuracy of the Scriptures throughout high school, college, and from the mass media.

The complexity of the Bible Codes are very different from any ELS Codes found in any other books. The fact that the ELS pattern reveal words, not complex sentences, prevent anyone from claiming they have found a hidden theological message or making a definite prediction about a future event.Ahh, no. Thats because they are random occurances which don't lend themselves to 'complete sentences'. Its a sign that they are not created by God at all.There are no future events because you have to know the event before you can search for it, which meansyou are just looking for words that are randomly joined thatmatch your words.It also shows again that its not God at work BECAUSE you can't find future events.This is 'magical' thinking.

Taking random events and assigning them to God. Really its like saying 'The leaves are moving on the tree becuase God is trying to communicate to me' when its just the wind at work.Its verging on a psychological condition. What you have is Confirmation Bias, or Apopheniawhich is a human tendency to seek patterns in random information, such as gambling. There is no magic here, only mathematics and statistics. A paper called ‘’Equidistant Letter Sequences in the book of Genesis’’ was published in August 1994 in the scholarly journal Statistical Science. This academic publication is one of the most prominent mathematical and scientific journals in the world. The study was completed by three eminent Israeli mathematicians Doron Witztum, Yoav Rosenberg, and Eliyahu Rips at the world-renowned Hebrew University and the Jerusalem College of Technology.

This study has been republished in several other respected scholarly journals. Their discoveries of complex Hebrew codes that reveal supernatural and prophetic knowledge about the future is causing tremendous consternation in the academic community because it challenges the long-held beliefs of liberal scholars who generally reject verbal inspiration of the Bible. This scientific discovery of the ELS code phenomenon is earthshaking in its potential consequences because it reveals a staggering level of mathematical design and intelligence that could only have been produced by a supernatural mind. This discovery provides compelling mathematical proof that the Bible was inspired by God. The data demolishes the false claim by liberal scholars and skeptics that the Bible was written and edited by uninspired men and that it is full of errors and contradictions.

Despite the fact that numerous scholars and scientists have attempted to challenge the validity of this Bible Code research, the evidence for the existence of this phenomenon has not been successfully refuted. Jesus Christ himself affirmed that the actual letters composing the Scriptures were directly inspired by God and were preserved in their precise order throughout eternity (Matthew 5:18). This intriguing statement by Jesus about Scriptures has been confirmed two thousand years later by means of an intricate analysis of the Hebrew text of the Bible by mathematicians and computer scientists in Israel. To their total surprise, these researchers discovered that every single letter of the Torah fits into a complicated tapestry of staggering mathematical precision.

In this regard, we should remember the provocative words found in Proverbs 25:2, ‘’It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.’’. As I suspected, the journal rebutted the articleStatistical Science publishes Bible Codes RefutationThe only paper published in a refereed scientific journal that claims to find evidence for the reality of the Bible Codes is the paper Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis, by Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips, and Yoav Rosenberg (WRR), Statistical Science, Vol. 9 (1994) 429-438.We are now happy to announce that, after review by four senior statisticians chosen by the journal, Statistical Science has published a thorough rebuttal: Vol. 14 (1999) 150-173.The new paper is Solving the Bible Code Puzzle, by Brendan McKay, Dror Bar-Natan, Maya Bar-Hillel, and Gil Kalai.

Here is the abstract: A paper of Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg in this journal in 1994 made the extraordinary claim that the Hebrew text of the Book of Genesis encodes events which did not occur until millennia after the text was written. In reply, we argue that Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg's case is fatally defective, indeed that their result merely reflects on the choices made in designing their experiment and collecting the data for it. We present extensive evidence in support of that conclusion.

We also report on many new experiments of our own, all of which failed to detect the alleged phenomenon. The fact that the ELS pattern reveal words, not complex sentences. The complexity of the Bible Codes are very different from any ELS Codes found in any other books.My aim in writingan ELS example for TCODE is simple. You say it is very hard, but I know that it isn't.

Lilian Eden In The Bible Code 2017


Lilian Eden In The Bible Code